Author - Natali Vlačić


What is AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)

With AWS IAM, you can control access to ensure only authorized users can use your resources. IAM gives you control over who can access your AWS services and resources based on predefined permissions. The two key concepts are “who” and “permissions.” “Who” refers to a specific identity, which can be...

server backup

The Role of Server Backup for Businesses

Data security is priceless, and businesses rely heavily on their data to operate efficiently and effectively. However, with the increasing number of cyber threats and disasters, ensuring the security and protection of this valuable information has become more important than ever. This is where server backup comes into play. We...

AWS Cost Optimization

AWS Cost Optimization

Are you tired of seeing your company's budget being eaten up by sky-high AWS costs? Whether you're a scrappy startup or an established enterprise, finding ways to optimize and reduce expenses is crucial for achieving success in today's challenging business environment. Thankfully, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers plenty of cost...

Digital Labin Conference 2023

Digital Labin 2023

We were amazed by the previous edition of Digital Labin conference. But this year was absolutely the best conference so far from Lloyds Digital. The conference was loaded with amazing people and fantastic talks on 3 different tracks. Digital Labin by Lloyds digital Let’s remember, Digital Labin is a conference about the...